Short-term disability

Our free short-term disability (STD) plan provides income protection if you are unable to work as the result of injury or medical condition (including pregnancy).

The benefit amount paid varies based on how long you’ve worked at Verizon. Our disability coverage is administered through Sedgwick.

Length of employmentWeeks at 100% payWeeks at 60% pay
6 months to less than 5 years8 weeks18 weeks
5 years to less than 7 years13 weeks13 weeks
7 years to less than 10 years18 weeks8 weeks
10 or more years26 weeks0 weeks

Long-term disability

We also offer voluntary long-term disability (LTD) coverage for limited income protection if your disability lasts longer than 26 weeks.

You pay the full cost of coverage with after-tax dollars. After you’ve been covered under the LTD plan for more than five years, you’re eligible for reduced rates. Any benefits you receive through LTD will be tax-free.

Choose from two coverage options: 50% or 66 2/3% of eligible pay up to maximum annual pay of $345,000. If you’re enrolled in the plan at 50% and choose to increase your coverage to 66 2/3%, you’ll need to provide evidence of insurability (EOI).

As a new hire, you’re automatically enrolled at the 50% coverage level. If you opt out of coverage but decide you want it later, you’ll need to provide EOI to obtain coverage.

See the cost of coverage.



Leaves of absence, disability


When you can’t work because of an injury or medical condition, we’ve got you covered.